Introvision-Themed Webinars
If you are interested in visiting a webinar on Introvision please let me know. Currently I offer webinars only in German, but I’d be glad to translate them for you. All my Webinars are live-offerings and not recorded, so it will always be possible to interact during the session. Contact me and let me know which subject you find described below is of your interest.
For my english webinars I use the platform edudip. We can get started once we got in touch, agreed on a topic and fixed a date.
Interested in Learning More About Introvision?
Would you want a generell overview in a 60-minute session or rather a deeper view into Introvision in a four-parted course (4 sessions of 60 minutes, once a week)? Or are you interested in how Introvision works with migraine and headache? At the conclusion of the webinar, all participants are able to take advantage of a free consultative session, where they can bring up their Introvision issues and ask questions in an individualized setting.
„Introvision put in a nutshell“ summarizes the most fundamental aspects of Introvision. For those wanting to deepen their understanding of the Introvision experience, a 4-part course, „Staying calm, when the inner wind starts blowing sharper“ is available. Our webinar offerings also feature topical programs which focus on the specific application of Introvision to ailments such as: headache, tinnitus, fatigue, and muscle tension in the areas of the head and neck.
How to Sign Up
The webinars in English will be organizend on demand and run on the edudip-platform. Please get in touch with me and let me know which is the topic of your interest. I will then fix a date with you and send you a link to the sign-up page. From there, edudip will guide you through the process. If you have questions, feel free to contact me anytime.
Introvision put in a nutshell
On Demand
Learn more about this routine approach to self-management, so you can live more mindfully. After an easy-to-understand tour of the theory behind Introvision, you will make your first forays into using the KAW method during this 60-minute session.
Staying calm, when the inner wind starts blowing sharper
On Demand
Are you wanting to remain calm and serene when faced with stressful, tense, and uncomcomfortable situations? Would you like to understand why it‘s difficult for you to change some of your habits? Are you interested in slowing down, or even leaving, the rat race?
Introvision is a mindfullness-based method that can help you reach these goals!
„I’ve found Introvision to be an effective method of lowering, and even dissolving, my inner conflicts. The most positive thing I learned is how to wield a universal key which allows me to remain calm and capable in various situations. Introvision helps one to step out of auto-pilot mode, and to use your own hands to consciously steer.“ (Participant, Introvision fundamental course 2017)
In this 4-part webinar you’ll learn the fundamentals of the Introvision approach, and take part in several practical exercises. In this way, you’ll learn how to integrate Introvision into your self-help toolkit and apply it within your daily life.
Introvision: Relief of Head and Neck Strain
On Demand
Chronic tension may abate or be reduced through the application of Introvision. Clinical results from work done by Dr. Nicole Pereira Guedes show, that tension experienced by student participants decreased substantially – beyond the duration of the course!
„88% of the trial participants no longer reported having chronic muscle tension 3 months after concluding the Introvision intervention.“ (Nicole Pereira Guedes)
We present this Introvision webinar to you as a tried and tested approach to reduce tension. In this Introvision webinar you’ll learn the key theoretical fundamentals, and gain practical experience along the way. In addition, we summarize the essential results of this course of study, elucidate the cause and effect relationship between inner conflict and tension, and share our collective clinical experience with patients as Introvision advisors.
Introvision: Relief of Headache and Migraine
On Demand
In Germany, it is estimated that nearly 6 million people suffer from chronic headaches, and that migraines affect approximately 30 million. Chronic headache and migraine sufferers carry a heavy burden. Many patients have been suffering with these illnesses for a long time, and have already sought out and tried a number of treatments.
The Introvision approach makes the assumption that inner conflict causes stress and tension, which in turn can trigger or make headaches worse. Introvision works by leveraging your own sense of mindfulness and perception to resolve the inner conflicts that often contribute to headaches/migraines. Clinical studies bear out the success of this approach.
Introvision: Relief of Tinnitus
On Demand
Through Introvision, you can learn to influence your physical and emotional state in a positive way, and thereby reduce your suffering from Tinnitus.
„The goal of the Introvision approach to emotional self-regulation is to achieve serenity, so as to reduce the physical burden that accompanies tinnitus while simultaneously improving perceptiveness and ability to hear“ (Britta Buth 2009)
We present this Introvision webinar to you as a tried and tested approach for Tinnitus. In this Introvision webinar you’ll learn the key theoretical fundamentals, and gain practical experience along the way. In addition, we summarize the essential results of this course of study, elucidate the cause and effect relationship between your inner conflict and tension, and share our collective clinical experience with patients as Introvision advisors.